— 07/10/2015 —

What I witnessed while staying at the Barefoot College was truly a harmonious event. The Barefoot College molded an environment which nurtured the brilliance of every single individual, regardless of circumstance. What I saw on my first visit to the Barefoot College, I wanted everyone to see.  I wanted to encapture every moment of my experience. And, I wanted to express it to my community in the best way possible.

Out of the ash which covered me, I discovered purpose. Out of the ash I was re-bourne, ten-fold. Out of these ashes blossomed an idea. An idea that I had to be the change which I wished to see in all.  

It was this reaction which inspired action.

Out of the ash, beamed A new Barefoot Movement in a World of Possibility

  1.  I soon found that the source of the change which I sought ultimately began with myself. I was entering my 8th-grade year and I knew that as a member of the Student Body, as a leader in all of my activities, and at the height of my Middle School career, my every action would be put under the microscope. First and foremost, I had to be an example for my peers. First, I had to set an example for my peers. I had to grow in terms of my character first. First, I had to lead. I had to lead with character, not only for this year but for the years to come.
  2. Second, I realized that change is hard. To create real change in my surrounding community and to be able to successfully serve the underserved, I had to make my surrounding community believe in the cause. It was important for me to make them aware of the other’s in this world could only dream of the privileges we took for granted. I decided that I must help my peers appreciate the life they had and the education they received. This is where the awareness started; how it evolved would be through the Barefoot College mission.
  3. Finally, it was time to take real action. After my community was aware and appreciative, I gave them opportunities and platform to pay it all back, in a new capacity each year.

Phase 1:   Awareness

Phase 2:   Fundraising, Giving back


Turning Reaction into Action